Manuscript preparations 
Authors are requested to fully comply with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts [URM] set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Incorrectly formatted manuscripts will be returned to the author(s) for amendment before being subjected to the review process. Otherwise, some specific requirements include: 
Cover letter     
Each submitted manuscript must clearly state author contributions, conflicts of Interest, and whether an Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained: 
Author Contribution 

Authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions to (1) conception and design of the study; (2) data acquisition or analysis and interpretation; (3) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and final approval for publication.  Additionally, the authors should confirm whether the article has been published or is being considered for publication, in part or in whole, in any other journal.  KIJ does not publish manuscripts that have been published in other journals. 
Conflicts of interest 

Authors should declare conflict of interest that may exist due to financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence (bias) their actions or may result in competing interests or competing loyalties.  


Authors of accepted manuscripts retain copyrights to all the materials to be published by the KIJ as part of the article, including but not limited to tables, figures, graphs, movies, other multimedia files, and all supplemental materials. 

Publishing costs 

Since KIJ is an open-access journal; authors of accepted manuscripts will be required to pay a nominal fee $75  ( USD 75 )to help defray publishing costs. 

Title Page 

Each manuscript must be accompanied with a title page, comprising the article title, authors’ names and institutional affiliations, the name of the department(s) and institution(s) to which the work should be attributed, disclaimers (if any), contact information for corresponding author (i.e. name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail), source(s) of any funding support, and a brief running head (40 characters long, including letters and spaces).  The title page should also include word counts for the abstract and body (i.e., text only, excluding acknowledgments, figure legends, and references), and the number of figures and tables.  

Each abstract should not exceed 350 words. Abstracts should adhere closely to conventional structure: introduction, objective, methods, results, and conclusions. Abstracts should not include tables, figures/illustrations, acknowledgments, or references.  
Main body 
Each manuscript should not exceed 4,000 words (excluding abstract, acknowledgments, figure legends, and references) and should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.  The main body should include appropriate headings and subheadings that adhere closely to conventional structure: introduction or background, hypothesis or objective, methods, results, discussions, conclusions, acknowledgments, and references.  If necessary, a limitations sub-section may be included under the discussions section. 
Authors should plan to include only the most current and/or relevant research in their manuscripts. The authors should aim at a maximum of 30 references. Authors are solely responsible to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of cited references.  References should be cited in the body of the manuscript numerically with superscript Arabic numbers.  The bibliography should be formatted using the National Library of Medicine’s Citing Medicine style. DO NOT use footnotes, automatic numbering and/or any formatting linking references to citations in the text. 
Tables and figures (illustrations) 
Each manuscript should not exceed a total of six tables and figures. Authors must reference the tables and figures in a sequential order in the text.  
Tables must be prepared in the format used for the manuscript’s body.  Each table should appear on a separate page placed at the end of the manuscript, numbered (using standard Arabic numbers) and labeled with an appropriate descriptive title. All abbreviations used in the tables and/or figures should be fully annotated in footnotes.  
Additionally, all figures must be in JPEG/JPG, GIFF, TIFF, or WMF format. Include a legend for figures that require additional explanation.  Each legend should not exceed 40 words. A list of legends should be consecutively numbered and placed on a separate page following the last table or figure.  
Black and white figures will be published free of charge, in print copy of KIJ. However, authors may be required to pay a nominal fee for color figures or other colored content (to cover printing costs) before accepted manuscripts are published. Otherwise, colored illustrations will be published free of charge on the electronic version of KIJ. 
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval 
An IRB approval is not required to publish in KIJ. However, all authors MUST state under the "Acknowledgement" section of their manuscripts whether or not an IRB approval or exemption was obtained for the study. 
Manuscript submission 

Until indicated otherwise, the KeHIA Informatics Journal (KIJ) accepts electronic submission of manuscripts as an e-mail attachment. For all submissions and other correspondence, email kij[a] or secretary[a]  Meanwhile, KIJ’s board is mapping out plans to acquire an online submission system.